RCC celebrating Black Women and their contributions to history and society – past and…
RCC celebrating Black Women and their contributions to history and society – past and present.
RCC celebrating Black Women and their contributions to history and society – past and present.
Black History Month Celebrations at Wrexham today!!! Liz Millman honoured by Mayor of Colwyn Bay Cllr Dr Sibani Roy, Iolanda Buna Viegas Chair of the Portuguese Community in Wrexham who is also the Race Council Cymru’s Third Sector Partnership Council representative in North Wales. Brilliant event!!!
Celebrate Black History Month this October ?
Race Council Cymru added 2 new photos.
Race Council Cymru added a new photo.
[email protected] | http://www.racecouncilcymru.org.uk Integration Justice EqualityRCCCymru | Promotion of race equality & community cohesionPromotion of equality and diversity by the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religion.
Please contribute your ideas on the way forward for Race Council Cymru and Race Equality Work in Wales – thank you ? The actual link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X3FRPPB Or access the more user friendly version via this link – Click HERE for the RCC Survey
Facebook Apply to be a Police Community Support Officer with South Wales Police (£19,326 p.a. rising to £21,402 p.a. + weekend enhancements and a 14% shift allowance) We are working with South Wales Police on their PCSO recruitment drive in taking positive action to recruit people from a Black, Minority and Ethnic background to address…
Please contribute your ideas on the way forward for Race Council Cymru and Race Equality Work in Wales – thank you ? The actual link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X3FRPPB Or access the more user friendly version via this link – Click HERE for the RCC SurveyRace Council Cymru (RCC) SurveyThank you for participating in our survey. This…
Prof Emmanuel Ogbonna, Lesley Griffiths AM, and Mr Ian Johnston PCC Gwent Police speaking at the RCC conference 2015