First Minister Of Wales Mark Drakeford AM Endorses Black History Month Wales 2019
In celebrating Black History Month, we pay tribute to the contributions made to Wales by people from BAME communities. We thank them for their efforts and sacrifices over the generations. We will continue to welcome and embrace those from other places who seek to improve our communities and we will challenge discrimination faced by these communities wherever we find it.
Black History Month 2019
As First Minister of Wales I am delighted to support Black History Month Wales 2019 on its 12th anniversary.
I want to thank Race Council Cymru and all the organisations involved in arranging these commemorative events. These give us an opportunity to shine a light on the culture, identity and contributions of our communities. As a nation, Wales is proud of the diversity of its communities, is grateful for the contributions of so many and is confident that together the legacies of past generations will play a key role in shaping its future.
2019 has been another year of observing significant anniversaries.
Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon 2019
Fel Prif Weinidog Cymru mae’n bleser gennyf gefnogi Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon Cymru 2019 wrth nodi 12 mlynedd ers ei sefydlu.
Hoffwch ddiolch i Gyngor Hil Cymru a’r holl sefydliadau a fu ynghlwm wrth y gwaith o drefnu’r digwyddiadau coffau hyn. Maent yn gyfle i ni daflu goleuni ar ddiwylliant, hunaniaeth a chyfraniadau ein cymunedau. Fel cenedl, mae Cymru’n falch o’r amrywiaeth ymhlith ei chymunedau, mae’n ddiolchgar am gyfraniadau cynifer o bobl ac mae’n hyderus, o gydweithio a’n gilydd, y bydd gan waddol y cenedlaethau blaenorol r61 allweddol i’w chwarae yn llywio ei dyfodol.
Bu 2019 yn flwyddyn arall o goffau digwyddiadau pwysig.