The Romani Cultural and Arts Company proud – RomArchive wins prestigious awards
The RomArchive Dance Section was curated and developed by Isaac Blake, a Welsh Romani Gypsy. It is a groundbreaking collection of significant works and information focused on Roma dance. Isaac is proud that Wales was invited to lead on this and is proud that the archive has recently won two prestigious awards.
Paris, 29 October 2019 – The winners of the 2019 European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, Europe’s top honour in the field, were celebrated with the Grande Soirée du Patrimoine Européen at the recently restored Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. On this occasion, Plácido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra, announced the 7 Grand Prix laureates. The Grand Prix winners were selected by a jury of experts and the Board of Europa Nostra from among this year’s 25 winning achievements.

Under the category ‘Research’ the RomArchive – Digital Archive of the Roma won the prize. RomArchive is an international digital archive for Romani arts – a growing collection of art of all types, complemented by historical documents and scholarly texts. The archive enables the Roma to reclaim and form the narrative around their community.
RomArchive won a second prestigious award in 2020: The Grimme Online Award \ The Grimme Online Award – is a wonderful and important award, which gives not only the RomArchive project but also the arts and cultures of the Sinti and Roma the recognition they deserve.

“Last June (2018), Welsh Government published its ‘Enabling Gypsies, Roma and Travellers’ Plan which seeks to tackle some of the fundamental injustices faced by these communities. The publication of this Plan reinforces our commitment to improving equality, providing opportunities and narrowing the gaps experienced by Gypsies, Roma and Travellers across Wales.”