Menai Owen-Jones LLB Dip IoD FRSA

Board Member
menai owen jones llb dip iod frsa race council cymru

Menai Owen-Jones is originally from Wrexham, North Wales, and currently lives in Cardiff.  She is a fluent Welsh speaker.

Menai is an experienced Chief Executive and trustee of charitable organisations and has been involved with the voluntary sector for nearly twenty years.  Menai is a trustee and director of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) and CEO of The Pituitary Foundation, a UK national health charity. She also co-founded HeadsUp in late 2018, a volunteer-led network in South Wales for people interested in social change.

Menai is passionate about equality, diversity, inclusion, leadership and civil society. She has significant experience specifically in health charities of all sizes and geographic coverage, including Wales and the UK. Menai is a Law graduate and a qualified director, having gained a Master’s level Diploma in Company Direction with the Institute of Directors in 2017. She was a recipient CEO Today UK and Global Awards in 2019 and has been made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). Menai is delighted to join Race Council Cymru’s Board to contribute towards challenging discrimination and to promote equality and community cohesion across Wales.



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