The Grand Multicultural HUB is the first of its kind in Wales.
Grand Multicultural HUB
Grand Multicultural HUB
Our Cultural Hub of 25 grassroots communities is now hosted in the Arts Wing of the Swansea Grand Theatre. The aim is to develop a diverse contemporary Arts programme, host cultural events, run a series of community activities and skills programmes, develop an ethnic food café and catering support to activities and to build a collective of expertise in a vibrant creative environment. The HUB will also promote community cohesion and shared cultural understanding as well as providing clear lines of communication and better understanding between grassroots communities and service providers, who will also run support services onsite.
Check out our Grand Multicultural HUB page here –
Race Council Cymru secured funding from the Welsh Government Communities Facilities fund to redesign the Arts Wing, providing bespoke community offices and hot desking areas, Digital Hub for IT support and teaching space, consulting rooms, meeting rooms and to upgrade the foyer areas and large rehearsal room.

Focus groups from the 15 initial community group partners collated information throughout 2017-18 which outlined the need for a City centre location space to host ethnic minority communities’ day to day needs plus long term provision of a space to support the diverse communities to develop their cultural activities and share in the culture of others. Following this a series of minority ethnic grassroots led focus groups confirmed that at the time they felt marginalised, isolated, invisible and undervalued in the City, and that there was a need for RCC to secure a shared space, in a cohesive and welcoming environment, where minority ethnic grassroots can work with each other, with local residents, with the council and service providers, i.e. the local authority, police, fire services, health and support services etc.
The communities stated that they wanted to work in partnership to build community cohesion and understanding between minority ethnic grassroots groups, local authority and the diverse residents of Swansea and surrounding areas. Race Council Cymru (as lead umbrella body for minority ethnic grassroots groups) and the City and County of Swansea’s, Cultural Services department collaborated on a joint venture in the Arts Wing of the Grand Theatre Swansea to create The Grand Multicultural HUB.
Each community group completed a survey listing their priorities for what type of support was needed and a forecast of what provision will be needed for development over the 5 year period. This formed the basis of the design, development and initial programme for years 1 to 5. The variety of HUB partners can together offer better opportunities to their own community members and at the same time participate in each other’s events and activities to build better racial and cultural understanding.
The Grand Multicultural HUB is a partnership project between Race Council Cymru (umbrella organisation for the grassroots communities) and the City and County of Swansea.
- South Wales Police
- Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue
- Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS)
- Armed Forces