Cllr Dan De’Ath
Board Member

Cllr Dan De’Ath is a Cardiff County Councillor who has represented the Plasnewydd area of Cardiff since 2012. Dan has served as Chair of the Council’s Community & Adult Services Scrutiny Committee, which examines the Local Authority’s delivery of Adult Social Services, Community Safety and issues like homelessness and welfare reform. In 2014 Dan joined the Council’s Cabinet serving as Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Families and then, following a reshuffle, the Cabinet Member for Safety, Engagement and Democracy. After the 2017 elections, Dan became Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff for the Municipal Year 2017/18. Later, becoming Cardiff’s 115th Lord Mayor – becoming the first non-White Lord Mayor in the city’s history and the first Lord Mayor of Afro-Caribbean heritage in all of Wales.
Dan served in the role for 18 months after the normal year-long term was extended because of the Covid 19 crisis. During his time in office, he led calls for the statue of slave owner Sir Thomas Picton to be removed from Cardiff’s City Hall and talked widely about issues connected to the Black Lives Matter movement, including appearing on Welsh and UK television and radio. He Chaired the Citizens’ Voice subgroup of Cardiff’s Race Equality Taskforce, which was set up as a response to the events of 2020, which seeks greater racial equity across the capital city.
Following the 2022 local election, Dan returned to the Cabinet as Cardiff’s Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning & Transport.
Dan has also served on the South Wales Fire & Rescue Authority, and the South Wales Police & Crime Panel, and is a school governor.