We take all concerns and complaints seriously as we aim to always deliver the best service possible and to maintain the highest standards.
We recognise that we sometimes get things wrong and your feedback will help us to resolve mistakes faster and learn how we can do things better to improve our services.
We treat as a complaint, any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a response. We listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our service.
All web complaints are recorded centrally and sent to the Administration Manager for a response. RCC aims wherever possible to respond within 10 working days of receipt.
Complaints will be shared with the appropriate staff member/s and line manager/s to be able to address the issue raised.
Occasionally complaints are received which are malicious or vexatious, for example multiple complaints from the same person about the same or similar issues. In some circumstances RCC will refuse to respond any further (or at all) to such complaints.
Customers who are unhappy with the response to their complaint can write to the RCC Director.
Customers who remain dissatisfied may as a final stage ask the RCC Director to review the case.
Complaints issued against the higher or executive or management team can be progressed by the Chairperson or an elected RCC Board Member.
RCC will do it’s very best to resolve all complaints raised.
Individuals who are unable to submit their complaint via the complaints form on the website can contact RCC so that we can arrange a more suitable method of complaint submission for them.