Free event promotion

All events will be checked before being approved and published, and may be edited slightly to fit in with the style of the site. If you are having problems submitting your event, please contact us.


Date and Time


It appears next to the event time on the Single Event Page. You can enter notes such as the timezone name in this field.


Custom Days Repeating

Add certain days to event occurrences. If you have a single day event, start and end dates should be the same, If you have a multiple day event, the start and end dates must match the initial date. Read More

:label: x
  • First
    • Mon Mon.1-
    • Tue Tue.1-
    • Wed Wed.1-
    • Thu Thu.1-
    • Fri Fri.1-
    • Sat Sat.1-
    • Sun Sun.1-
  • Second
    • Mon Mon.2-
    • Tue Tue.2-
    • Wed Wed.2-
    • Thu Thu.2-
    • Fri Fri.2-
    • Sat Sat.2-
    • Sun Sun.2-
  • Third
    • Mon Mon.3-
    • Tue Tue.3-
    • Wed Wed.3-
    • Thu Thu.3-
    • Fri Fri.3-
    • Sat Sat.3-
    • Sun Sun.3-
  • Fourth
    • Mon Mon.4-
    • Tue Tue.4-
    • Wed Wed.4-
    • Thu Thu.4-
    • Fri Fri.4-
    • Sat Sat.4-
    • Sun Sun.4-
  • Last
    • Mon Mon.l-
    • Tue Tue.l-
    • Wed Wed.l-
    • Thu Thu.l-
    • Fri Fri.l-
    • Sat Sat.l-
    • Sun Sun.l-
Occurrences times

The event will finish after certain repeats. For example if you set it to 10, the event will finish after 10 repeats.Read More

Countdown Method

Event Data

Hourly Schedule

Add new days for schedule. For example if your event is multiple days, you can add a different schedule for each day!

New Day

Add new hourly schedule row

Event Main Location


Choose one of saved locations or insert a new one.Read More

eg. City Hall

eg. City hall, Manhattan, New York


Latitude and Longitude are parameters that represent the coordinates in the geographic coordinate system. You can find your venue's Latitude and Longitude measurments via the link below. Get Latitude and Longitude

Remove image

Other Locations

You can select extra locations in addition to main location if you like.

Event Main Organizer


Choose one of the saved organizers or insert a new one.Read More

eg. John Smith

eg. +1 (234) 5678


eg. Website name or any text

Remove image

Other Organizers

You can select extra organizers in addition to main organizer if you like.

    Discount per user roles

    Book All Occurrences

    Interval Options

    Show Booking Form Interval

    You can show the booking form only at certain times before the event starts. If you set this option to 30 then the booking form will open only 30 minutes before starting the event! One day is 1440 minutes.

    Automatic Approval

    Last Few Tickets Percentage


    ID: :i:
    Start Time :
    End Time :
    Private Description

    The value can be displayed on the email notifications by placing the %%ticket_private_description%% placeholder into the email content.


    Only numbers are allowed; Enter only the price without any symbols or characters. Enter 0 for free tickets. Read More

    Price Label

    How should the price be displayed in the booking module? Here you can insert the price with a currency symbol. e.g. $16 Read More

    Minimum Ticket

    The minimum number of tickets a user needs to book.

    Maximum Ticket

    The maximum number of tickets a user can book.

    Stop selling ticket before event start.

    Price per Date

    Booking Form

    Per Attendee Fields
    • Sort MEC Email
    • Sort MEC Name
  • Sort Text

  • Sort Email

  • Sort MEC Email
  • Sort MEC Name
  • Sort Tel

  • Sort Date

  • Sort File

  • Sort Textarea

  • Sort Checkboxes

    • Sort Radio Buttons

      • Sort Dropdown

        • Sort Agreement


          Instead of %s, the page title with a link will be show.

        • Sort Paragraph Remove

          HTML and shortcode are allowed.

        • Sort Remove
        • Fixed Fields
          • Sort Text %%booking_field_:i:%%

          • Sort Email %%booking_field_:i:%%

          • Sort Tel %%booking_field_:i:%%

          • Sort Date %%booking_field_:i:%%

          • Sort Textarea %%booking_field_:i:%%

          • Sort Checkboxes %%booking_field_:i:%%

            • Sort Radio Buttons %%booking_field_:i:%%

              • Sort Dropdown %%booking_field_:i:%%

                • Sort Agreement %%booking_field_:i:%%


                  Instead of %s, the page title with a link will be show.

                • Sort Paragraph Remove

                  HTML and shortcode are allowed.

                • Sort Remove
                • Note to reviewer

                  Event Cost

                  Event Color



                  Insert name of one sponsor: Company A